Created in 2016, Africa Business School, the business school of Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), aims to be a leading Business School in Africa focused on research and teaching. The Business School aims to respond to the most crucial challenges facing Africa and the world in general, by being dedicated to the development of the continent's future leaders, through training, research and innovation. With a hybrid pedagogy centered on people, Africa Business School brings a different look at leadership. In all of its programs, it develops both the analytical & holistic skills of its participants; both on quantitative and qualitative, cognitive and emotional, managerial and technological aspects. It also actively includes responsibility to society as a cornerstone of its training, with the aim of qualifying culturally and socially responsible leaders.
Students at ABS are trained and educated on social responsibility, critical thinking, innovation, entrepreneurship, coding and business analytics, applied research, and African problematics. They are constantly connected to a large network of innovative stakeholders across a wide range of sectors. They are exposed to multi-disciplinary research and groundbreaking education methods to enhance their holistic and analytical competencies and allow them to embrace paradox and lead in fast moving and complex environments.
Our state-of-the-art campus includes:
- World-class sports facilities for faculty, staff, and students.
- An impressive extensive collection and access to both hard copy and electronic resources
- Comfortable, secure, and affordable accommodations for students
Mission & Vision:
- Enable organizations transformation
- Train the next generation
- Develop multi-disciplinary research and groundbreaking education methods
- Stimulate collaborative innovation
- Build an ever-evolving thriving network of change makers
- Act as both a source of knowledge and a bridge for its diffusion
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